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Thursday, May 17, 2018

May Newsletter

Monthly update - May 2018
The Lord continues to expand His reach in Malawi Africa.
Pray for the group of 10 that will be ministering in Malawi from May 21-June 2. Pray for souls for our labor and pray for our faith to be strengthened.

The armyworms have done their work on the corn crop. The harvest is 30% to 40% of what is needed. Because of this the price will be high and many families will be affected by starvation as the year goes on.  We now have $700.00 for purchasing corn. $2,000.00 would be much better.
There is good news. The bean seeds that we provided to replace corn because of the armyworms has been a great success. Enough beans have been harvested to supply 35 families for a year. Praise the Lord!!

New church plant                
In mid-March pastor Joseph and three men went to Mozambique to minister in three different areas and possibly start some new works. In one of the areas they had success and the people are desirous for him to come back and start a work.
While traveling to Mozambique they were stopped at the border due to paper work. They had to wait until the “boss” came later in the day. While they waited, pastor Joseph began preaching near the border. They were very interested and wanted him to come back. On the return from Mozambique they stopped and preached again. They now wanted to have their own church there. Early in April pastor Joseph took a group of teens from the Christian school with Jesus film equipment and traveled 4-5 hours to the village of Nayuchi at the border to start the church. A pole/grass building had been erected and 65 joined the new church. The Lord continues to work!

Bread of Life Bible Institute                                        
The Bible institute will start with 26 students and three teachers for the two-year Bible curriculum. Many of the men when they graduate will go on to pastor churches in the Sharp Valley area or other areas of need. Carpentry, sewing and growing are also taught at the institute.

Library/Science Lab 
The building is complete except for the roof. A group is going to Malawi in May and will install the trusses and roof sheets. They will also do Bible teaching, soul winning and Jesus Film presentations. The total cost for the library/science lab building is $4,500. We have $2,000 at present.  Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help with this $2,500 special need?  

We are planning to take 500+ of the 1000 books for the library with the group of ten that will be ministering in Malawi in May. So far, we have collected over 500 books.
The school has an enrollment of 156 students with 6 teachers.
4000 fruit trees: Planting for the future
Good News-4000 fruit trees are planted and doing well.  There were 68 workers clearing land, digging holes, adding manure, and planting trees. During the process, one-by one 34 of the workers came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. The orchard is already bearing fruit. It is too much to comprehend the working of the Lord!
To water the trees a well had to be dug. It is halfway complete at 39 feet. One man “walks“ down the sides of the well with a bucket on a rope and a short shovel. He fills the bucket and it is pulled up and emptied. Again, and again and again until water is reached. To use the well a pump lowered into the well and operated with a generator.
The trees are Mango, Avocado, Banana, orange, and Pawpaw.

 Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding….

Your co-worker in Jesus Christ,
Harry Schenimann
Website:      For correspondence email:
Live your mission!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Monthly update - March 2018

         The Lord continues to expand His reach in Malawi Africa.

 Crops-the good/ bad news:  the Malawi corn crop has turned green due to the rains they have been having. It looks like the harvest (if rains continue) will be 30-40% of a good year. The beans, however, are doing very well. There should be enough beans to supply 35 families with food for a year. PRAISE GOD!                                                       PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE CROPS IN MALAWI AND THE OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES THAT ARE AFFECTED BY THE WEATHER AND THE ARMYWORMS.
beans are promising 
armyworms and drought have done their work on the corn

New church plant: In the first week in February Pastor Joseph traveled by bicycle to a remote village in the district of Salima to meet with the village chief to get permission to start a church. The chief agreed and the first week in March Pastor Joseph and some workers went back and a new church was begun. Praise the Lord for His goodness!
Mozambique: Pastor Joseph and two workers are ministering this week in three districts in Mozambique. They are looking to plant churches in the area. One of the men is a graduate of the Bible institute and would be living and pastoring there.
Library/Science Lab: The building is complete except for the roof. A group is going to Malawi in May and will install the trusses and roof sheets. They will also do Bible teaching, soul winning and Jesus Film presentations. The total cost for the library/science lab building is $4,500. We have $2,000 at present.  Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help with this $2,500 special need?                                                                                                 
   We are planning to take 400+ of the 1000 books for the library with the group in May. So far, we have collected about 250 books. 

School campus with library/science building construction.

  Kelly, Marilyn & Harry sorting library books

250 fruit trees:  Along with the bean seeds in early January we also provided for the purchase of 100 fruit trees. The nursery owner gave Pastor Joseph 150 more trees so there are now 250 fruit trees growing near the Bible Institute and some near the school. They are doing very well. The trees are Mango, Avocado, Banana, orange, Pawpaw, and Guava.

Future home of 4000 fruit trees
Avocado Tree-1 0f 250!    

Planting for the future - 4000 fruit trees:  When Pastor Joseph purchased the 100 fruit trees, the owner offered to give him 4000 trees. He is a large grower and the large orders are over for the year. So, we have purchased 9 acres of land and the men are busy digging 4000 holes for the new orchard. When the trees mature in a few years the proceeds will be used to provide for the ministry in Malawi. It is too much to comprehend the working of the Lord!  Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding….

Your co-worker in Jesus Christ,
Harry Schenimann
For correspondence email:
Live your mission!